Right to Privacy : Judgement comes from Supreme Court

The Judgement Come over Right to Privacy is a fundamental rights by Supreme Court. The right to privacy is an element of various legal traditions to restrain government and private actions that threaten the privacy of individuals. How individual autonomy, personal choice, plurality and diversity got a leg up after a nine-judge bench pronounced that right to privacy is a fundamental right enshrined in the Constitution .Superme court another judgement after triple-talaq it was a great step to human fundamental right to privacy .


Every Human being need to right to privacy . This judgement is blow to Aadhaar as the center now has to convince Supreme court that forcing citizens to give a sample fingerprints and eye prints does not violate privacy .

A nine judge constitution bench of the supreme court on August 24 ruled that right to privacy were undoubtedly aware of significance of the verdict .Through 547 pages of prose, poetry and impeccable constitutional reasoning, the nine judges attempted to directly tackle many ills that plague a broad spectrum of India’s teeming multitudes, all while balancing their role as neutral arbiters. Right to Privacy is an integral part of Right to Life and Personal Liberty guaranteed in Article 21 of the Constitution .

A country of more than 134 crore indian touched with the judgement . Linking privacy with human dignity and preservation of personal intimacies, the apex court has laid the legal ground for a fresh interpretation of controversial issues Collection of Data of the citizen through aadhaar -now a law under the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act of 2016 — benefits the lives of millions of poor by giving them direct access to public benefits, subsidies, education, food, health and shelter, among other basic rights.
The government claimed Aadhaar was a panacea to end corruption in public distribution, money laundering and terror funding.

National programmes like Aadhaar, NATGRID, CCTNS, RSYB, DNA profiling, reproductive rights of women, privileged communications and brain mapping involve collection of personal data, including fingerprints, iris scans, bodily samples, and their storage in electronic form. The Law Commission has recently forwarded a Bill on Human DNA profiling. All this adds to the danger of data leakage.

Article Originally Source : https://www.coevote.com/right-to-privacy-judgement-comes-from-supreme-court/


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