Cyber Attack possible on Airports , Railway and other Public Wifi hotspot

When you visit railway , airport and any public wifi hotspot where you get free wifi access without know the risk of exchanging data over the free wifi you may have chance to be a online fraud or cyber attack due to these public hotspot not safe vulnerable to your data got hack . Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities allows an attacker to obtain sensitive data like credit card numbers , passwords , chat messages and emails etc. Public wifi hotspot or wireless network installed on railway station and airport are risk of cyber attack . Easy exploitation to user data over the network .Open wifi found on airports and railway station are highly vulnerable to cyber attack . So switching to public wifi is chance to your data exploit to cyber attackers . Avoid as you much public wifi to protect yourself from the cyber attack or from the online fraud . Don’t use public wifi network directly instead of use directly use VPN – virtual private network to protect your identity ...